Medicines to Prevent Another Global Crisis

READDI brings together the world’s best scientific and business minds to proactively develop safe and effective antiviral drugs BEFORE the next pandemic.

Active Projects

$Million Invested

Global Collaborators

READDI is a core implementation partner in the 100 Days Mission, a three-pronged pandemic preparedness effort launched by the G7 and led by the International Pandemic Preparedness Secretariat. READDI develops therapeutics.

Our Role

Cover of 100 Days Mission Report

Read about READDI’s role in the latest “100 Days Mission Implementation Report.”

To avert the future pandemics we know are coming, we MUST grapple with all the ways normal failed us. We have to build something better.”

1.8 million
COVID-19 deaths worldwide before vaccines were available

$14 trillion
total cost to the U.S. economy due to COVID-19

23 million
jobs lost due to COVID-19

years of U.S. educational progress erased


  • 08.30.24 Public health experts put out call for collaboration in antiviral therapeutics development coalition More
  • 08.28.24 UNC-Chapel Hill joins Japan-U.S. Research Collaboration symposium More
  • 08.08.24 READDI CEO joins global leaders in Brazil to push for pandemic readiness More

READDI was featured on Advancements with Ted Danson, which aired on Bloomberg Television June 24, 2023. Watch the segment.

READDI’s unique business model breaks the panic-neglect cycle of pandemic response by leveraging the best of academia, government and industry.